Crytal & Emma. Together we are 'Just Us'
We are Starseeds, Channelers, Mediums and Healers passionate about helping everyone we can, live happy and positive lives. Our journey in business together started 2018 when we decided to join our skills, abilities and over twenty years of experience. Having trained in several different types of modalities we decided to pool everything together to create our own bespoke treatments. We enjoy working as a team and our energy blends really well, we balance each other and find that we can bring about more positive and powerful healing and energy clearing, working together.
We are unique as all the therapy treatments and services our business offers, we do together. That way our clients benefit from a deeper and more powerful support to release, heal and clear any pain, trauma or blocks which are holding them back from living a full, happy and healthy life.
It brings us great happiness to be able to help and support people by using what we have learnt and experienced ourselves, to encourage others to take charge of the positive changes they desire for themselves.
We strongly believe in the importance of energetically looking after your personal energy and the areas around you daily. This is why we decided to add to the business and continue the benefits of our therapies out to more people, we created our sprays to clear away negative vibes, thoughts and feelings, either your own or from others. They create a positive protective barrier around you, a room, car or building. This then allows you to go about your day connected to your inner self, able to follow your intuition and gut instincts with more clarity. Also we have noticed that when using the Aura spray, everyone we interacted with throughout the day was happy and positive towards us.
We also decided to expand on our product range by using our creative talents to make items for the home to work along side the sprays. These will be one of a kind and handmade by us, including pictures, soft furnishings and more.
The sprays are developed from our work with people and animals. We realised there is a need for an easier way to clear and protect ourselves and homes and as with everything we do, they include both of our energies.
Paranormal Help, Advice and Removal
We also are Paranormal Mediums and we have been helping people over several years, who are experiencing unsettling disturbances in their homes, buildings or businesses. Using our abilities we investigate what maybe causing the problem and work together to remove and clear the issue. For this service we ask only to cover our travelling expense.